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Love is UnityLove is the idea of unity. It is the power that joins and binds the universe and everything in it. Unfortunately, love in our society as a whole seems to be in short supply. How often during your day do you feel LOVE? How many times in your work day do you feel deep connection? Fulfillment? Oneness? My guess is not very often. Although I believe that social media has great potential as a tool for connection, it also illustrates to me all too clearly just how far we have to go as a society. The collective sentiment or “vibes” that I see from my Facebook feed, the TV at the gym (that I no longer watch because it’s 100% negative), and on the radio, are that we are whiny, judgmental, and lack compassion. Is that really true? Could it be?

I don’t really think so. What I believe is that we are all loving, compassionate beings – all seeking connection with one another. Shocking media headlines filled with hate, violence, and ignorance are there for one purpose – to make money. The reason that negativity makes the news is that violence, crime, and hatred are not the norm. We do not usually see these things in our daily lives, and that is why they are “newsworthy.” When we get up in the morning, have our breakfast and head to work, chances are, we are operating on auto-pilot. We drive to work mindlessly and flip on the radio for entertainment. What we hear is a blast of negativity – either in the form bad news, or mean-spirited talk radio. Do you let this negativity color your day?

Negativity is Toxic and Spreads Easily

Ever hear the old adage, “Misery Loves Company”? When a friend is complaining about work, the kids, or their spouse, how often do you chime in with a similar story? Better yet, how often do you chime in with a story of how happy and grateful you are for all that you have? Not very often? Perhaps you’re thinking that your friend would not like it if you responded to negativity with such a Pollyanna-ish attitude.  You are probably right, but is it worth getting sucked in to a negative rant just to please someone else?

Love Breeds Gratitude and Gratitude Breeds Love

Gratitude is the key ingredient for falling in love with your life. Try this little experiment. Think of five things for which you are grateful and why. Write them down in detail. I am so grateful for my children. All I have to do is write that statement down and I am already on my way to feeling good. If things are difficult right now, you can still think of something for which to be grateful – health, a car that runs, a job, a call from a friend at just the right time. Even the obstacles in our lives have purpose and value. Often circumstances that seem terrible are in our lives to teach us and help us to evolve, become more understanding, and more compassionate. We can even have gratitude for these lessons too.

Love is all around every one of us all of the time if we choose to see it. It is a fact that we are all connected here on this little planet called Earth. What we do, what we say, and how we think effects not only ourselves, but others. When you are expressing your life in gratitude and love, you are helping to change the consciousness of others. You are then creating and deepening those connections. What a wonderful world it will be when we all realize that and teach it to our children.


